La Salle Bleue

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Gosh, what a week.

First, our good family friends lost their 27 year old son after a 5 year battle with melanoma. I saw him for the first time in like 8 years at Christmas time along with his sister who is my age (we were in the womb together basically). He was so physically altered but the same snappy personality. He got married a couple of years ago and leaves his wife behind....and an 18 month old son. It's so heartbreaking to think about that little boy running around at the funeral home at his father's visitation and not having a clue what is going on.

The funeral was the saddest one I have ever been to. His best friend from high school did a eulogy as well as his 4 year college roommate. The two of them then read the letter they wrote together to the little boy.

No one this close to my family has ever passed away so tragically...or seemingly so. I mean I guess there's an appointed time for everything, but this just breaks my heart.

On top of all that, I'm getting so sad to leave my school placement. Granted it's like a month + away, I have had so much fun and the thought of not seeing these kids through to the end makes me so sad. I mean I could stick around, but I would not get the ESL endorsement which is kind of a big deal...bleh...I'm just not ready for all of this to be almost over and having to decide where I'm going next for sure, potentially leaving the area away from the fam and the puppies and snow days. Sigh.

I'm just emotionally overwhelmed and tired and am having trouble getting it together to get lessons and applications etc completed. I need like a month off to regroup. Right.


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