La Salle Bleue

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

resistant to change?

Today I wore my hair a little bit know, scrunched and a little bit curly...the kids freaked out:

"What did you do to your hair?"

"Did you get a hair cut?"

"Yes you did."

"I mean, it looks nice...kind of fluffy and *motions hands*."

One made it a particular point to come up to me and say, "Ms. G, you look like you had a shower today."

Yes, thank you, E...I tend to shower everday.

My CT also had set up a desk for me (I start lead teaching Monday) with a folded piece of paper/name plate AND a knick-knack A+ teacher flippy calendar piece of crap. Because we had a whole conversation about how I hated teacher knick-knacks.



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