La Salle Bleue

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


I've been busy.

I'm a student again and trying to juggle that and working 21 hours a week as well. I'm also learning the differences between small liberal arts schools and big state schools that run like machines.

As of now I feel that I have one class that I reallly need to read for. I have a 5 page paper due for it next Wednesday (really next Friday, but I'm turning it in early because Jishka is coming THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW!).

Bilge is ANGRY with me for not walking him in the past couple of weeks, but it's been freezing cold and I've been sick - the compulsive handwasher has a nasty cold - believe it.

Anywho, off to the coffee shop to read read read about labor lawyers and whatnot. Gotta get movin on dis paper!