La Salle Bleue

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Done with Middle School, but not without a humorous last day

One eighth grade boy who is sort of a pistol found out Sara and I are in the Arb and the following convo ensued:

8th: Do you ever go to liquor stores there?
Sara: Um, how about you just list some.
8th: *lists one we know of*
Me: Yeah, I mean I've been in there to buy...chips.
Sara: I hear they have really great Arizona Iced Tea.
8th: Well, my brother works there.
Us: Oh yeah?
*conversation about where family members work, someone's mom works at Hiller's grocery store
8th: My brother's not allowed to go to Hiller's. He got kicked out.
Us: Wait, for what?
8th: He was buying milk...lots of milk...while it was on sale so that he could sell it for really expensive at the liquor store. Hiller's called the police and when they came, my brother told them he was having a milk party.
Us: They didn't believe him?
8th: No, so now he can't go to Hiller's
Us: Well we'll have to stop by the liquor store, pretend to buy lots of milk and when questioned, tell your brother we're throwing a milk party.


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