La Salle Bleue

Monday, April 09, 2007


So I never really obsessed over cars before. Not that I am obsessing now. I guess I never just really thought about them or wanted one in particular. The Jeep's been good to me. It's approaching 10 years old, though, and that's how long my dad's lasted, so the reality that I will need a new one in the next couple of years is apparent.

Probably I think about cars more often now because I spend like an hour driving around each day. I notice every car I see...on the road, in the parking garage, etc. Anyways, I've narrowed it to three choices:

The Fit: Cute, spacious like small SUV which I am used to, good gas mileage, and a long-lasting Honda. However, has potential to look really dated in a couple of years and I need this thing to last me like 10. Not too expensive either, which is good. Sooo, main concern: not classic enough.

The Equinox: Which I love love love but it gets craaaapppy gas mileage compared to other options...sigh. It's so pretty though. That's a Quinn rationalization. I won't get one.

The Patriot: Now here's a nice compromise...SUV...ranked just behind the Escape hybrid for SUV gas mileage (25/29 I believe). My Jeep has been good to me, so why not another?




Blogger Abby said...

Fitfitfitfit. It is so cute, also I love my Honda, even if it is dated (7 years old!)

5:51 PM  

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