La Salle Bleue

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

new heights

Today my CT basically said, "Umm, so I think I've taught you all I've sort of got this teaching thing down." I was like, um, what?

I mean it finally clicked with me last week to just be myself with these kids. They seem to like me. So much of it all is just knowing how to talk to them.

I got my school pics back today. My CT says to get a school bus frame with little window openings to put all the pics for each school year to watch myself age. I couldn't find them at Hallmark as he had suggested. I think I will do this though. Also the third grade quotes page needs to be just put in a book I think.

Mid-semester break this weekend, thank goodness. I'm headed north with the parentals to just veg and enjoy the fallness with them and the puppies. After that there is no more messing around...lots of work and such.

I'm just so happy with my school situation right now...great people with me at my school, great CT, great Field Instructor - we've sort of become friends which is awesome. I'm beginning to see some alignments in personality with my CT and being able to chuckle over the same things with the kids really adds to our relationship.

I'm plotting a trip out east over our mid-winter break to visit the baby sis, go to Boston and also Providence to visit Kirsten. I want to see Plymouth and John Adams' house. Yes, history nerd, right here.


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