La Salle Bleue

Saturday, April 21, 2007

saggy-crotch pants - stupid or aesthetic?

So, once upon a time it occurred to me that clothing is actually an art form. Things are "flattering" on us because they create illusions - black is slimming, boatneck tees make narrow shoulders look wider, halter tops make wide shoulders look narrower, low rider jeans make short waists look longer, etc.

This is not a new development. Big poofy skirts made waists look tiny as did big poofy sleeves. It's all relative - fatten up another body part that's near the waist and of course your waist looks smaller.

Then of course there are the fashion faux pas - where art fails! Ankle straps make short legs look shorter, tapered jeans make asses look huge, pleated pants add pounds to the hips, and mock turtlenecks...well they are just ugly.

So clearly there is some method to dressing. People who have style really just have a sense of aesthetics and couple that with whatever trend might be occurring - for instance, baby-doll dresses create a sort of androgenous appearance - so hey, apparently it's aesthetically pleasing for girls to look like boys or pre-teens right now. Those of us with childbearing hips, relatively tinier waists in comparison, and something of a chest luck out this season.

So, where do saggy-crotch pants fit into this? I mean what is visually pleasing about having your legs look like they are half their actual length and also that your ass is, well very long (don't misread), and yet very flat? Couple that with the swaggering gait, and, um, well I don't get it. I will ponder more and perhaps provide a second installment. Explanations are welcome.



Blogger The Worm said...

Now I will have to return the saggy-crotch pants that I got you for your first day of grad school. Thanks a lot.

7:51 AM  

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